Winter Solstice Festival 2020
Program & Replays
Grounding in the New Normal
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Jade Begay is a multimedia artist, a filmmaker, a digital and communications strategist, and an Indigenous rights and climate justice activist. Jade has partnered with organizations like Resource Media,, The Indigenous Environmental Network, Indigenous Climate Action, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network, Allied Media Projects to develop strategies, digital storytelling campaigns, and short films to mobilize and create more awareness and engagement around these urgent issues. In addition, Jade is a facilitator in the Work That Reconnects, a methodology that supports activists in working with grief, anger, and apathy that emerges from this type of work. In this critical time for racial and social justice, Jade has led groups through practices and dialogue so that people can individuals are more equipped to process and acknowledge their despair, in order to connect with their power to sustain themselves emotionally and spiritually in activism work.